The most common question that we get about SAM-e is, does SAM-e work? YES! It works for me and my wife. I originally took SAM-e for depression but found that SAM-e has also helped me with anxiety, ADD/ADHD and overall mood and energy. For my wife SAM-e has worked for depression and mood swings as well as overall mood and energy. We have also been asked, how we know that SAM-e is what is working and that it is not just coincidence? Twice over the past few years we have stopped taking SAM-e for about 3 weeks, once because we ran out and once when we went on vacation and forgot to bring it. On both occasions we both started feeling depressed again and noticed a significant change in our overall mood and energy. About 4-5 days after beginning to take it again we started to feel relief, back to our old selves. We have also been fortunate enough to experience these great benefits without any side effects from SAM-e. However I just want to make it clear that I am not saying that it will work for everyone, I am just sharing my personal experience. SAM-e works different for each individual.
The more technical/scientific explanation:
There is currently convincing data backed by years of research, trials and studies involving thousands of patients that would suggest that SAM-e is effective for treating depression, arthritis and certain forms of liver disease. SAM-e was approved as a prescription drug over two decades ago in Italy, Germany, Spain and Russia and has been taken by Europeans as a remedy for depression and arthritis for over 30 years. Because SAM-e was introduced in the United States in the late 90’s as a nutritional supplement it has not been subjected to the rigorous clinical testing required for FDA approval. Some researchers suggest that SAM-e may also help in treating heart disease, bursitis, tendinitis, chronic lower back pain, anxiety, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, slowing the aging process, chronic fatigue syndrome, improving intellectual performance, Parkinson’s disease, ADD (attention deficit disorder), multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and migraines. However more studies are necessary to confirm these findings.