A lot of people have been asking us to share more information about the changes that we have made to our lifestyle that have helped with depression, mood swings and anxiety. We decided to start this blog to write more about our journey and share some of things that are working for us.
This first post is simply an introduction and overview of the lifestyle changes we have made. The forthcoming posts will get into more detail on them.
Over the past several years, in addition to taking SAM-e, we have incorporated a handful of lifestyle changes that have had a huge impact on our daily lives and have been a big help in managing and alleviating depression, mood swings and anxiety. Some of the most effective changes include exercise, mindfulness, meditation and diet (though we don’t like to refer to our change in eating as diet, we like to call it a “lifestyle” change. Diets feel more temporary, we made the changes in the way we eat and haven’t looked back). We hope you all find this resource to be helpful.