Chef Marco Canora on the Correlation Between Physical and Mental Health

Chef Marco Canora on the Correlation Between Physical and Mental Health

In episode 226 of THE FOOD SEEN on Heritage Radio Network, chef, restaurateur and cookbook author, Marco Canora talks about his cookbook A Good Food Day: Reboot Your Health with Food That Tastes Great, and how a health crisis led him to transform his health and his approach to food. During the episode [28:15], he discusses the correlation between physical health and mental health:

If anybody doesn’t believe there’s a correlation between physical health and mental health, its like “Wake up and smell the coffee!” kind of thing, right? There’s no denying the mind/body connection. A healthy body equals a healthy mind and vice versa, and you need them both… Our modern approach to people’s problems, which I think is incredibly flawed. Just throwing anti-depressants at people and creating these cocktails of anti-depressants or treating symptoms and not looking at the bigger causes of stuff. That you can actually make lifestyle changes… If we’re a tree and one of our leaves goes brown, ‘our system’ paints the leaf green. The ‘functional medicine system’ looks at the dirt and looks at the roots and looks at what you’re feeding it and says “Let’s work from that point to figure out how to get our leaves to be green.”