Here is a list of the best SAM-e brands that fit the criteria listed below. Please let us know if you have any feedback about any of these SAM-e brands or if there are other SAM-e brands that we have left off the list.

Best SAM-e Brands 200 mg

You can also compare prices on SAM-e 200 mg from different brands on Amazon.

Best SAM-e Brands 400 mg

You can also compare prices on SAM-e 400 mg from different brands on Amazon.

Be sure to take into consideration the number of tablets in the pack. Amazon often lists the price per tablet on the product listing which makes it a lot easier to figure out the best deal. Usually listed next to the price like this: ($0.34 / count)

The truth is that it’s really difficult to say what the best SAM-e brand is. Different SAM-e brands may work a little differently for each person so the best bet is to try a reputable brand. You should know within about 2 weeks if it is working for you. If it does not you can first try to up the SAM-e dosage or try a different SAM-e brand. Over the years I have tried several different SAM-e brands including Doctor’ Best SAM-e and Nature Made Complete SAM-e. My wife has also tried GNC SAM-e. We were taking Nature Made Complete SAM-e 400 mg for several years, but in June 2013, we switched back to Doctor’s Best SAM-e 400 mg, mainly because it is cheaper than the Natures Made SAM-e and it works just as well for us. As of July 1, 2015 we are still taking Doctor’s Best SAM-e 400 mg (and it still seems to be the best deal on Amazon for the 60 count). Keep in mind that what works for me or you may not work for the next person.  As long as you are not experiencing side effects from SAM-e, you can probably keep trying different SAM-e brands and dosages until you find something that works for you.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for the best SAM-e brand for you.

  1. It must be enteric coated for proper absorption.
  2. Sold in a sealed blister pack to ensure safety and freshness.
  3. A 200 mg SAM-e tablet should have 200 mg of active SAM-e which is made up of a 400 mg compound called S-Adenosyl-Methionine tosylate disulfate. This 400 mg compound is made up of 200mg SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) which is the active component and 200mg tosylate disulfate (stabilizing salt) which is the inactive component.
  4. A 400 mg SAM-e tablet should have 400 mg of active SAM-e which is made up of a 800 mg compound called S-Adenosyl-Methionine tosylate disulfate. This 800 mg compound is made up of 400mg SAM-e (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) which is the active component and 400mg tosylate disulfate (stabilizing salt) which is the inactive component.
  5. SAM-e 200 mg tablets are usually round.
  6. SAM-e 400 mg tablets are usually oval.